All posts by Ed Garcia

Website redesign, finally!

After 4 years I have updated my website at last. New graphics, new content system & the same domain name. A mixture of modern design, metallic/glass effects and soon flash animations that are not menu related. I think we all can agree that the web has slowly outgrown the flash animation craze, especially the flash intros – oh the horror! :)

To everyone that kept asking me “Why do you have nice designs on your portfolio and you don’t redesign your website?” Well, time always had a hand on the reason. I have kept busy the last three years; I worked for those of you that asked me that same question. Some of you are the same persons that have been there with me in my 12 year career through design and technology, including my last 3 years working as a consultant.

This is a great feeling of accomplishment, thanks.

Deciding on what web publishing software to use was another reason this took so long. I looked at a few solutions, including creating it from scratch like I do most of the time. I finally decided to use WordPress as it has the biggest support community out there. Great software, pretty easy to work with and templates seem highly customizable. As you can see you can make your site look anyway you want and still carry over all the built-in functionality of the original. It’s administration panel is very easy to use, which for you as an end user, is one of the best reasons to use it on your projects. Thus far, WordPress comes highly recommended and big thanks to the WordPress community for all the plug ins, gadgets and support that permit releasing a website like this so fast.

I hope you enjoy the website and leave comments using the link below.