Ars Technica – MacBook Air review

Apple MacBook AirHere is an actual review, not just first impressions, of the MacBook Air by Ars Technica. This review deals with only the standard 4200rpm hard drive version – they will do another review for the solid-state hard drive version of this laptop on February 5th.

Big points of the review are:

  • The small size is only based on how thin it is, since in terms of desktop space it only saves a bit compared to the regular MacBook.
  • It’s trackpad is bigger than MacBook and MacBook Pro, but the gestures use is still limited.
  • For audio it has one speaker (good bye stereo) and it is still louder than a MacBook – but then again what isn’t?
  • Lacking a regular CD/DVD drive can be a pain if you don’t plan ahead or don’t always take your installation disks with you
  • The weight is a huge attribute; makes it very comfortable
  • It’s performance “Achilles heel” is the slow hard drive
  • Some users are experiencing louder than normal fans on these, but not the reviewer
  • Don’t even try the remote Migration Assistant, just don’t
  • WiFi is ok, but not close to the MacBook sensitivity
  • Actual usage time on the battery was about 2 hours and 33 minutes. Ouch, that is not even half of the 6 hours advertised!

Read the full review to make your opinions… but seems quite a disappointment for some of us. I could have lived without the DVD drive. I could have lived with the slower performance (on the go only!!). But such a short battery life is really a disappointment; especially for a computer that is made to take with you everywhere you can take a manila folder.